Caring for Shawano Lake Now and for Generations
Restore, protect, and maintain the chemical, biological and physical integrity of the Shawano Waterways.
Support the responsible recreational use of the lake and its related waterways by:
Maintaining buoy marked and lighted navigation lanes in the lake, the channel, and on the upper Wolf River.
Providing private weed cutting services to members.
Chemically spot-treating the lake as necessary to manage invasive weed growth.
Enhance member and visitor understanding of lake issues and increase involvement in protecting and improving the lake and its related waterways.
Manage native and invasive aquatic plants according to the goals, objectives and activities outlined in SAWM’s Comprehensive Lake Management Plan.
Improve and maintain water clarity and quality in Shawano Lake.
Support fisheries and fish and wildlife habitat in and around Shawano Lake.
Promote the preservation and restoration of natural vegetation and scenery along the shoreline.